IBM’s new Quantum Computer breaks the current world record in terms of Qubits and ushers in a new era of quantum supremacy. It’s also IBM’s last chance of potentially undoing its rise and fall among the biggest tech companies in the world that has been occuring these last few years. The Eagle Quantum computer has 127 qubits and can outperform the fastest supercomputers in the world in certain tasks and calculations. Whether or not Google’s Quantum AI company will come back from behind is currently uncertain. But one thing is for sure: The future of Quantum Computers does look very bright.
IBM creates largest ever superconducting quantum computer
IBM has created the world’s largest superconducting quantum computer, surpassing the size of state of the art machines from Google and Chinese researchers. Previous devices have demonstrated up to 60 superconducting qubits working together to solve problems, but IBM’s new Eagle processor more than doubles that by stringing together 127.
Blockchain Industry Should Thank Facebook, Says Digital Asset CEO
Yuval Rooz, Digital Asset Holdings chief executive officer, discusses how his company aims to transform the blockchain market on “Bloomberg Markets.”
Debating IBM’s Artificial Intelligence – BBC Click
Computer scientists around the world are working on ways to make artificial intelligence indistinguishable from humans – with varying degrees of success. One way this is being tested is in debates between people and computers. This week IBM’s AI system was on stage at Cambridge University and Jen Copestake was in the audience to see the results.
The Future of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
In this interview, I speak to Ivo Koerner, VP, IBM Systems, about the future of AI and machine learning, what it means for businesses, as well as some top tips of how businesses can get ready for AI and avoid the key traps and mistakes. If you would like more information on this topic, please feel free to visit my website and sign up for content updates! I write articles every week on various different topics such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.
Blockchain Explained: By the Guy Who Invented It
Scott Stornetta, blockchain co-founder, speaks of how blockchain enables manufacturing companies to have secure, transparent and permissioned end-to-end visibility across their supply chain, all in one place.
Artificial Intelligence at Scale | IBM
IBM Executive HPC/AI Architect, Clarisse Taaffe-Hedglin, discusses how clients can take AI from prototype to production using IBM’s Watson Machine Learning Accelerator AI software combined with IBM Power Systems infrastructure.
Blockchain 101: Why open source for blockchain technology?
Why is open source important for a blockchain platform? Speed, record time to quality and preventing vendor lock-in.
Blockchain Essentials: The business context of blockchain
Matt Lucas, IBM Global Blockchain Engagement, explains what blockchain is through the business context in which blockchain applies, defining some key blockchain terminology, exploring the problems blockchain solves and looking at the different types of blockchain technology.
What is the “Trust Your Supplier” (TYS) Blockchain Network?
IBM and Chainyard today announced the initial launch of the Trust Your Supplier (TYS) blockchain network, established by Chainyard in collaboration with IBM. The network uses blockchain technology to improve the tedious process of supplier management. Nine Fortune 500 industry anchors are part of the governance board, which is designed to streamline supplier onboarding, while accelerating access to additional supply chain operating networks such as IBM’s Supply Chain Business Network