Web 3.0 Explained In 5 Minutes

Web 3.0 is a concept for the internet’s future phase, which envisions a decentralized ecosystem built on blockchain technology. It would be a change from the present ecosystem’s centralized mega-platforms and companies, and proponents argue it will address what’s wrong with the internet today while also reversing the decline of democracy. So, this scribe video on WEB 3.0 will enlighten you about what is web and how it came into existence, and how it has evolved from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and is now transforming into web 3.0. Web 3.0 is going to revolutionize the internet and also benefit society in so many ways.

The Real Business of Blockchain

This video outlines 5 core elements of blockchain that support a ledger as well as the future of blockchain with artificial intelligence and integration with the Internet of Things.

  • Distribution
  • Encryption
  • Immutability
  • Tokenization
  • Decentralization

Blockchain 13: Technology and the Internet of Things

As we move from the technology paradigm of the industrial age characterized by machines and stand-alone mechanical systems, a new class of technology is emerging. Namely, the Internet of Things (IoT), which promises to revolutionize human life at unprecedented levels.

The Internet of Things is a journey we are just beginning. Over the course of the next decade billions of devices will come online. The amount of data the internet has to deal with will grow massively as vast networks of machines continuously communicate with each other, to coordinate production processes, for transport and logistics, for construction, climate control etc.

Coupled with blockchain, IoT could find a bright future in enabling mashes of smart devices to safely navigate the sea of data we produce while achieving a varied of tasks.