The First Neural Networks

Warren McCulloch, Walter Pitts, Alan Turing, Donald Hebb, John McCarthy, Claude Shannon, Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, Arthur Samuel, Frank Rosenblatt, Bernard Widrow, Ted Hoff, Marvin Minsky, Seymour Papert and the evolution of neural networks and AI.

Running Neural Networks on Meshes of Light

Silicon Photonics represent a quantum leap in technological speed and power efficiency. One major issue when dealing with light is the fact that you’re reading the probabilities of the light waves. You run into quantum mechanics at this level. Light is sensitive to interference of the environment through quantum decoherence. I believe there will be a solution to this problem as our understanding of quantum systems evolves.

Neural Network In 5 Minutes | What Is A Neural Network? | How Neural Networks Work | Simplilearn

This video on “What is a Neural Network” delivers an entertaining and exciting introduction to the concepts of Neural Network. We will learn the different layers present in a Neural Network and understand how these layers process data. We will get an idea of the different parameters used in a Neural Network such as weights, bias, and activation functions. We will also understand how to train a Neural Network using forward propagation and then adjust to the errors in the network using the backpropagation method. This video also covers a few popular Neural Network applications. Now, let us jump straight into learning what is a Neural Network.

Animated Neural Network with Feedback

Animated Neural Network — A small network with a feedback loop. This is a cartoon of a very simple fully-connected (FC) neural network with input (X), three FC hidden layers (H1, H2, H3) and the output (Y). The input was intentionally made to send information through hidden-layer neurons at different times, to make it easier for the viewer to follow the motion of the moving arrows (movement of data through the network). In practice, the information from one layer to the next practically travels at the same time

Will GPT-4 Surpass The Human Brain? – Cerebras CS-2 Artificial Intelligence Chip

With the release of the most power Artificial Intelligence Accelerator Chip, future AI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 will be able to surpass the Human Brain by supporting more than 100 Trillion Parameters. This new Chip made by Cerebras Systems is also be biggest Chip ever made by a longshot and thus can support ExaFlop Supercomputers for AI Model Training.

Cerebras Systems is an American semiconductor company with offices in Silicon Valley, San Diego, Toronto, and Tokyo. Cerebras builds computer systems for complex artificial intelligence and deep learning applications.