Quantum simulation of a particle scattering in a lattice

The video shows a quantum simulation made by solving the Schrödinger equation for a particle scattering in three different lattices.

It can be seen that despite the complex behavior within the periodic lattice, the diffracted wavefunction at the output is well resolved, a well-known fact in electron crystallography.

This made QMsolve, an open-source python open-source package for visualizing and solving the Schrödinger equation.

What is the universe really made of? Quantum Field Theory visualized

What is the universe really made of? What is truly fundamental in the reality that we perceive? This video is about QFT: Quantum field theory – simplified.

Everything that you see is thought to be made of up of particles. This is what most people are taught in science class. The only problem is it is not true. And physicists have known this for decades. Particles are really not fundamental. The best theory in physics tells us that there really are no particles at all, only fields. Particles are merely waves in the field. Fields are fluid-like substances that can be perturbed, vibrate, and experience excitations. What exactly are fields?

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