Gary Vee on Why Blockchain Will Kill Middlemen

In this interview, Gary Vaynerchuk discusses his personal evolution and  emphasizes two fundamental points for business success:

  • Be passionate about the customer
  • Have an outrageous work ethic

The future of the internet is voice search, including Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

Use all social media platforms the people you want to reach are using.

Regarding getting your message out to the world: physical activities, such as the conference they are attending, are secondary to the internet and social media.

In terms of media platforms, he advocates creating no friction in the way people want to consume information.  Whether writing books, recording podcasts or creating videos, help the end user get info the way they prefer to consume it.

Building a brand is vital in our world of commoditization of products and services.

Blockchain will eliminate the margins in financial services and other businesses.

When you make money as a middleman and the internet and blockchain come along to replace the middle, you’re in trouble.