How will Tokenization and Smart Contracts shape the Future of IPOs?

If we look at now, we’ve developed a really interesting piece of middleware because the problem is when you’ve got lots of disparate markets, even if they get a digital moving assets between those markets, so where those assets are held on the custody at those markets or elsewhere is incredibly difficult.

You know, if you look, if you look at you as a private consumer, you have multiple savings accounts and obviously moving between them or new bank accounts is difficult on the one hand. But even the whole set of estas when they open up accounts that exchanges those accounts are very fragmented and that’s no different whether these are established traditional exchanges or whether that digital exchanges as well. Now in this modern era technology, whether you’re running a private blockchain into a public blockchain or whether you’re running both also linking that into traditional markets networks exist and the ability to interoperate those networks re technology also exists. So why is it not the case where, okay, you know, I might be on a mobile network and I’m using Vodafone someone else is using Intel but we can still talk to each other and it’s seamless. I don’t need to know that you’re using Vodafone and I call that I’m using Xcel or vice versa now. Whereas in markets not flare of assets isn’t seamless and that has a knock on effect whether you’re a retail consumer to get these markets in directly or you know, something new digital markets directly or whether you’re a wholesale consumer and it’s very, very I in cost as well. Navigating that. Now, you know, what technology, fragments, technology can also knit together. So in that sense, now the technology, the existing feeding that that we’ve developed allows that to happen. So you can have multiple markets and multiple custodians as well as other services interconnected and talking to each other. So, you know, what does that mean? It’s smart contracts or web that’s been mentioned quite often with blockchain. Now that home of physical contracts or standalone electronic contract can now consent jurisdictions assuming you know, even those jurisdictions from a regulatory standpoint are allowed to interact with each other. You know, for whatever reason. So, you know, all of a sudden if I have Bitcoin or in one jurisdiction and you have a digital security in another jurisdiction, we’ll be able to swap that with each other, either decentralised or through exchanges. But equally, if we can’t get back to that particular jurisdiction where we’ve affected a small, we can also back that into that currency, through another smart contract into another jurisdiction, not flow, then become seamless. So we’re now beginning to transition to that. And it’s in the early stages, but as smart contracts develop, as blockchain becomes more widespread as use of data, this is why AI and analytics come in drive those smart contracts because the smart contracts are only as good as the data that feeds them, not feed that loop. This is going to become mainstream and commonplace as we progress. And the COVID crisis is mainly going to exacerbate that, you know, expedite it effectively.